

access to justice

Half of Mexicans Experience Legal Problems, Only 1 in 4 Get Help

*This blog post was originally published on the #JusticeForAll global campaign website, as part of 10 Weeks of Action: Demanding funding and protection for grassroots justice defenders by calling on our community to sign the #JusticeForAll petition. Half of Mexicans Experience Legal Problems, Only 1 in 4 Get Help As part

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La Nueva Justicia Penal en México

Resultados de la reforma de justicia penal en México, a dos años de su implementación Han pasado 10 años desde que, en 2008, México aprobó una reforma constitucional con el objetivo de transformar drásticamente la justicia penal. Con el sistema acusatorio adversarial se buscaba garantizar procesos transparentes, eficientes, y respetuosos

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